• Traffic Inspectors

    Traffic Inspectors

    Often times when one is bored, inventive ideas swirl about in the brain designed to shift the tides of boredom over to the side of fun. Now, fun is not always under the classification of wise, prudent, or legal. One such instance took place several times a week. My friend and I, who lived in…

  • The Fridge

    The Fridge

    When we were young, we used to have all kinds of parties. Most of the week, in fact, consisted of: the methodical destruction or ‘strengthening’ of our livers. One morning after, we went downstairs to survey the postmortem apartment. We were greeted by a most unpleasant odor upon entering the kitchen; the smell that could…

  • The Angry One

    The Angry One

    My bachelor experiences are many indeed. Some bad, some good, but all memorable. One particular memory is of my friend and once roommate. He had been enslaved at a local restaurant during the busiest week they ever had. He had been working about 17 hours a day and getting only about 2 hours of sleep,…